Client and partner access

Explore our specialized portals to efficiently navigate through Avaloq. The client and partner access provides you with relevant links to stay up to date on our products and services. We support you every step of the way with education, implementation, support, documentation, and possible enhancements you want to undertake with your current Avaloq setup.


Log in here for Avaloq Academy course programmes and registration, detailed course descriptions, certification information (grades and recertification), details of exams and legal information.

To request access, please contact us here.

Documentation and Webhelp

Explore documentation and Webhelp for the Avaloq community. Search for product descriptions, roadmaps, processes, customization details, releases and read about important product and client announcements.  

To request access, please contact us here.


Learn about Avaloq Global Implementation Methods (GIM), our standardized framework that outlines and defines implementation processes, activities, and tasks through all the implementation phases of a project, including tasks assignment and execution.

To request access, please contact us here.

Knowledge Group Archive

Catch up on the latest news regarding our product and service offering, combined with inputs from industry experts and partners.

To request access to the Knowledge Group Archive, please contact us here.

Master Data Management

Access Avaloq Master Data Management (MDM) to manage data related to Avaloq tools, including the management of user accounts and security roles, and to view and register for announcements.

To request access, please contact us here.

Regulatory & Environmental Topics

Stay up to date with our own Business Environment Change Management (BECM) newsletter and learn about the latest changes in the banking regulatory environment, including new or updated regulations, industry standards and more.  

To request access, please contact us here.


Stay informed about news and adjustments in the areas of Common Reporting Standard (CRS), Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI), US Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), eSteuerauszug (eCH0196) and German Taxes.

To request access, please contact us here.

Service Request Management (SRM) Portal

Interact via our Avaloq SRM which is an order processing system for communicating and processing errors, enquiries and enhancement suggestions related to Avaloq products and services.

To request access, please contact us here.

For all enquiries get in touch