Ambit Focus
Ambit Focus IFRS 9 helps you assess its impact on your balance sheet, profits and losses and quantify the effects of modified risk parameters.
Key features
- Create a holistic view of risk for managing and pricing risk across the enterprise
- Provide actionable information to traders and management through risk management software to optimize your organization’s enterprise risk and capital profile
- Work across all asset classes to better understand your enterprise risk exposure and comply with global regulations
- Integrate market, credit, liquidity and operational risk management with advanced risk management solutions.
Key features
Key features
- Create a holistic view of risk for managing and pricing risk across the enterprise
- Provide actionable information to traders and management through risk management software to optimize your organization’s enterprise risk and capital profile
- Work across all asset classes to better understand your enterprise risk exposure and comply with global regulations
- Integrate market, credit, liquidity and operational risk management with advanced risk management solutions.