The professional monitoring and reporting platform Performance Watcher allows to compare and track an unlimited number of portfolios.
Who is it?
IBO offers unique platforms, consisting of real data, with which one can efficiently compare and monitor portfolios.
Benefits for the bank
The professional monitoring and reporting platform Performance Watcher allows to compare and track an unlimited number of portfolios. Through various features such as graphical analysis and the setup of alerts, the tool is ideal for financial professional users. It offers them many opportunities for improvement, regarding investment process, customer communication, marketing, controlling and compliance. Moreover, the use of our tools also leads to cost savings.
For the first time, portfolios of investors can be compared one to one. Thank to regular comparison, bank advisors and investors are kept informed at all times of the day-to-day health of their portfolios. The Performance Watcher Platform strengthens trust between the asset manager and its clients. The advisor can thus show his clients its investment strategy in a comprehensible and transparent manner.