
Avaloq OTI

Oracle provides the underlying bank critical database technology for the Avaloq Banking Suite, enabling stability, scalability and data consistency.

Key features

  • No limits on the number of servers or cores
  • No additional licensing for virtualised environments (such as VMWare) or fail over scenarios
  • No additional licensing fee for multiple environment (productive, test or development)
  • Avaloq optimised package of Oracle DB technology included
  • Full package of Oracle DB technology included


Avaloq now offers individually tailored Oracle database OTI licences embedded within the Avaloq Banking Suite, including Avaloq Front, to reduce the TCO and increase the operations’ efficiency.

OTI is a unique Oracle licensing model which allows a bank to buy the full application stack with all required licences at a competitive price, with no limits on the number or type of CPUs the bank needs to run the Avaloq Banking Suite.

No Limits on the Number of Servers or Cores

The bank can use the Avaloq Banking Suite with Oracle DB technology without restrictions in terms of hardware. There are no additional Oracle licence costs if the bank increases the number of servers or cores which the Avaloq Banking Suite is running on. Further, the bank is free to choose their preferred hardware vendor and can licence the usage of the Oracle technology in conjunction with Avaloq products with no extra costs.

Avaloq Optimised Package of Oracle DB Technology Included

OTI allows the bank to increase their operations’ efficiency with built-in or preconfigured options such as Partitioning, Advanced Compression, and Diagnostic Pack. By using Avaloq OTI the bank can maximise their data security by taking advantage of database options like Advanced Security, which encrypts data and Database Vault to prevent data theft.


Company: Oracle
Category: Operation Support
Released: 25 June 2018
Type: Embedded