
Realistic Goal-based Investing with Professional ALM Methods

We offer intelligent algorithms as SaaS/APIs that cover full advisory processes or complement existing advisory processes. Our goal-based investing solutions are most realistic and allow for multi-goal optimisation, holistic wealth management and the simulation of climate change scenarios.

Key features

  • Scenario-based, realistic goal-based investing that includes climate scenarios and non-normal distribution
  • Instant goal probability calculation for multiple financial goals
  • Multi-goal optimisation with flexibility to select the preferred optimisation function
  • Holistic Wealth Management including illiquid assets and credits
  • Hyper-personalisation of the strategic asset allocation that includes the CIO view


We provide our capabilities either as configurable, white-label UIs for advisors and clients or as APIs to that our B2B clients can use/develop their preferred UX/UIs:


We include not only bankable assets but focus on the whole balance sheet of clients (hence including illiquid assets and credits). We strive for the most realistic wealth forecasts in the market and consequently integrate non-normal distribution/fat tails in our scenario-based methodology. We also use a multiperiod approach that e.g. allows simulating a transition from negative to positive interest rates. We always integrate the CIO view of our clients in our modelling re. expected returns and statistical moments.  


To realistically model future wealth scenarios, we include the impact of climate change as this, depending on the level, significantly affects long-term investment returns.


We instantly calculate the future wealth and the probability to achieve financial goals in thousands of capital market and inflation scenarios. This motivates clients to disclose more wealth information as they perceive an immediate benefit when doing so.


We either optimise against pre-defined strategic asset allocations ("income", "balanced", etc.) or hyper-personalise the strategic asset allocation and make it client-specific. The reason is that no client has the same wealth structure and financial goals as another client. This ensures that we can always ensure a better outcome for clients.

Company description

We believe that each person is unique and should understand how to fulfil their dreams, get a realistic picture of their future wealth, cover their life risks, and invest in a sustainable manner. Despite this individuality, wealth managers continue to offer standardised and simplified investment plans without realistic, forward-looking wealth development scenarios integrate clients’ financial goals and Sustainable Investing beyond the regulatory minimum standards but also take capital market risks appropriately into account. This is the reason why 3rd-eyes analytics was founded in October 2015 by Stephanie Feigt (CEO) and Rodrigo Amandi (COO). The idea was to develop a solution that integrates professional asset and liability management methodology and sustainable investing. Today, more than 20 experts work for the success of 3rd-eyes analytics in quantitative modelling, software development, marketing, and sales in Switzerland and Serbia.



Category: Investment Advisory
Released: 29 December 2021